Monday, December 1, 2014

Binary Black Holes

Living in Alaska is not much different than being an interstellar space explorer. Or maybe i'm just an interstellar space explorer who's stuck without a spaceship in Alaska.....

Today i encountered these two dangerous black holes. I needed to pass right between them, but the way was treacherous with unknown forces at play.

The bridge and the log were both covered in ice and frost. The log was a cylinder but the bridge was tilted towards the closer hole, which would be similar to feeling a stronger gravitational pull in that direction.

So i needed to stay outside the Roche Lobes and trace a path right through the Lagrangian Point to make it safely to the other side. The Lagrangian Point is the place between two gravitational bodies where the forces are equal between the two objects, so that anything at that point will not be pulled toward either object.

But i'm not crazy, so first i sent out a space probe. I call my space probe Kona. If Kona slipped on the tilted bridge as if being caught in the gravity of the black hole, and she disappeared, that would be enough data to decide to turn around and go back home.

The good news is her mission was a complete success and we continued deeper into the last frontier

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