Tuesday, May 20, 2014

adam + alaska + animated gifs + archipelago

I'm six months behind on my RSS feed, so this is one that Adam posted in November...just reminded me of our trip and made me very wistful.

The post this is from is incredible throughout.  The pictures of the "Chiswell Archipelago" toward the end are very striking.

Incidentally, "archipelago" is also one of my favorite words.  It is very pretty to me: it has all vowels except the ugly U; all six of its consonants are different, with no boring, excessively common S's or T's; I tend to like words that start with vowels; and there is a nice balance of five vowels and six consonants!  (Here's how to pronounce it---until about five years ago I accented it as "ark-i-pel-A-go" rather than the correct "ark-i-PEL-uh-go.")  Also I like the concept it means.

I miss Alaska.


  1. I'm going to miss Alaska too. I already do and it's right in front of me, looking super cool.

    You might like Eskimo languages. They have a lot of cool sounds and are fun to pronounce. A customer of mine tonight was Mr. Paniptchuk. There's the Tatlanika Stream, the Echooka River. Sometimes the words seem crazy until you sound them out and then they are easy, like the Omikmuktusuk River. Then there are the words you will never have any idea how to pronounce unless you are taught, like Tsyooktuihvun Lake.
