Thursday, February 5, 2015

In the Sky

Hey guys i haven't put anything up here in a while but i thought you might like a post on my own blog this time. There are amazing things going on in the sky around here all the time and most of those times i don't have a camera with me or i'm stuck catching a glimpse through a window of something amazing while i'm stuck in a building.

This year a lot of unusual things were going on in the sky and I did have my camera some of those times. So on my blog this week i put up a collection of the more interesting things.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

UltraRope lift elevator cable

A whole ton of interesting stuff in this piece. Think technology meets social science.

UltraRope closeup

This stuff makes cities taller

fell in love with a girl

By acclamation one of the best videos of the first decade of this century.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

ok go

Check this out: 

Now note that it's completely analog, real stuff that happened, and FILMED IN A SINGLE TAKE.  Using a camera on a drone.  And 2300 participants.  Filmed in half speed.  Inspired by classic Busby Berkeley musicals.

Sometimes things are just awesome.

(Shown to me by PB and JC.)